Case Study

ALS Association Ice Bucket Challenge

About the Study

Throughout my case studies class, my group analyzed the ALS Association’s Ice Bucket Challenge. We studied their strategic campaign plan and tactics used for a successful campaign. The continuation of their campaign and fundraisers were also studied, and we provided recommendations for future campaign ideas based on the research we had conducted. At the end of the semester, we compiled our findings into a final analysis paper and presented our research to the class.

ALSA Ice Bucket Challenge

The Ice Bucket Challenge was a viral social media campaign that lasted a couple of months to raise funds and awareness for ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease, to further the research of the disease. This challenge involved each participant filling a large bucket with ice and cold water and recording them dumping it on themselves. The task was that the participant either completed the challenge or donated to a charity of their choice. After completing the challenge, the participant tagged three people to participate within 24 hours. Over the span of two months, ALSA raised $115 million through the Ice Bucket Challenge.

For more information, please take a look at the final analysis.
